Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Struggle is Real

Josh back again.

Today, we went back for another taste of good ole Boston Boxing & Fitness but for some reason, my body is not falling apart yet. My eyes keep drooping even as I write this but it's the good sort of tired. It's the sort of tired you only get after doing something worthwhile. 

Sure, we didn't go defeat the Huns or anything of that caliber but our act of valor stemmed from our decision to put ourselves out there once again in the midst of all the scary, big (very big), boxers who have been training for a long time. Too often did I find myself unable to hold myself in that plank position for one more minute or do one more chest press, but our mentors drilled into us the importance of the will to continue, the will to make a fool of ourselves in hopes of a better tomorrow. We all have to start somewhere, and for me, that somewhere is on the ground struggling to keep myself upright.

The journey for today began with a brief warm up of the cliché jump roping at the boxing studio then quickly proceeded into a core workout for 30 minutes with medicine balls. A few crunches, toe touches, and planks later, we went into our strength training class which was much too painful for me to relive so you'll have to use your imagination.

The most interesting class for me was by far the last one of the evening: heavy bag classes. With our borrowed boxing gloves, we trained for an extended period of time on our endurance of our punches. From the standard 1, 2 jab using both hands to a mixed combination of 2, 3, 2 (right jab, left hook, right jab) we learned the combinations that may go well hand in hand with each other while also working to improve our endurance with speed rounds and power intervals. The amount of stress relieved from just hammering at a bag relentlessly with no consequences was a completely refreshing experience and one which I encourage greatly.

Punching a wall or a pillow just isn't the same.

Till next time,

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