Thursday, May 8, 2014

Slipping Punches
I've spoken a lot about how to punch... but what if your opponent throws a punch? Defense is an important part of winning. As I mentioned in earlier posts about boxing styles, some boxers win simply with a strong defense; they are able to slip punches, tiring their opponent out before going in for the win. Today, I will tell you how to avoid your opponents' attacks.

Things to Remember:
1) Observe. What are his tells (an action your opponent does before making a specific punch)? Be careful not to jump to conclusions and commit too quickly to your hunches. He may change it up.
2) Conserve your energy. When you dodge a punch, don't move too much, just enough so you will avoid your opponent's fist.
3) Be unpredictable. When you dodge, don't return to your original position. Instead, move your feet to readjust into a new position.
5) Move to the outside (unless your opponent throws a jab). If you move to the inside, you will usually be vulnerable to another attempt.
6) Use slipping to weaken your opponent. If you slip frequently enough, your opponent will tire. Similarly, if you move a little farther away when your opponent strikes before slipping his or her punch, you will be able to make your opponent extend his or her arm more and thus thrown your opponent off balance.
7) Ready your arms for an attack. Your opponent is weak right after a punch, and that would be a good time to attack.
8) Beware of fakes. If you try to slip a punch but your opponent is not actually punching, you will be an easy target.
9) Use your legs. Your lower limbs are the strongest part of your body, and will help you endure.


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