Monday, May 5, 2014

Basic Boxing Punches (Continued)

Last week, I gave you the two most basic punches: the jab and the right cross. Those are used by one hand only (the jab requires your left hand, while the right cross the right), but the punches I will be talking about today can be used by both. I attempted my own version of these punches, and while these are a little more complicated, they seem to be equally useful and strategic.

With your chosen hand, turn your hand from its vertical position to a horizontal position. Keep your elbow aligned with your fist and aim toward your opponent's jaw, rotating your hand and body to get some real power behind the bunch. Return to your stance.
When to Use It:
To knockout your opponent.
OR To surprise your opponent. Wait until your opponent's gaze seems to be focused completely forward.

The Hook

Move your hand of choice to move your clenched hand down slightly, and move your hand upwards in an arc. Use your knees and the movement of your body to put force behind this move. When you reach your target, quickly return to your stance.
When to Use It:
To get your opponent off-balance for a knockout (often a hook with the opposite hand).


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