Monday, May 5, 2014

Advanced Boxing Punches

In my previous two posts, I went over basic punches. Now, I will continue with some more complicated ones that can be utilized in the ring. These are for more practiced boxers, as they require a more strategic mind. These punches cannot and should not be used whenever, but should be used at the most opportune times.

Turn your right hand to a horizontal position, and move it in a "rainbow arc." This punch should be short; do not wind up before you punch!
When to Use It:
In response to a jab.
AND To surprise your opponent.

Short Right
Drop your back hand and begin to move it in a circular motion, as if you are about to strike with that hand. Instead of finishing that back hand punch, use your other hand to strike.
When to Use It:
When your opponent will not strike. The dropped hand acts like a distraction, but leaves you vulnerable.


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