Monday, May 12, 2014


As I mentioned in the previous post, flexibility is high useful skill to have. I'm the first to admit that I often underestimate the importance of stretching, but the more I box the more I realize how important it really is to be flexible.

What is flexibility?
Your range of motion. How far can you arm/leg/hip/etc. reach?

Why do boxers need to flexible?
Boxers need a large range of motion. Being able to extend your reach is vital for maintaining your center of gravity while punching. Flexibility and balance work in conjunction to allow you to make punches that still allow you to return back to your original position quickly and safely. If you are not flexible, extending your arm towards your opponent will require a lot more energy -- energy that could be useful later on in the match.

How can you improve your flexibility?

1) Always stretch before you work out! When you build muscle but do not stretch, you have a lot of strength, but in boxing, you will still be wasting a lot of energy extending. If you are both flexible and strong, you have the ability to really attack efficiently.

2) Do yoga! Most would not put yoga and boxing together, but yoga is a great supplement, as it significantly improves flexibility.

3) Don't forget your wrists! It's easy to forget such a vital part of your body. They seem so insignificant, yet as boxers, you are vulnerable to a wrist sprain, especially with all the punching. Make sure to reduce your wrist of injury by improving wrist flexibility.

4) Don't be afraid to move while stretching! I'll admit that floor stretches are my favorite, but it also really helps with flexibility to do them while walking. By adding this walking aspect, you will help warm up your muscles quicker.


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